Monday, January 5, 2009

Here are the latest pics of our little munchkin.  It is amazing how quickly they develop!  You can already see a beautiful profile.  The feet are to the left at the bottom picture.  All initial measurements were taken for the Nuccal Translucency test and they were great.  After the measurements were taken, I shook my tummy to wake the baby up.  It immediately looked at the "camera" and gave the best alien face possible (top picture).  
Have a great day,


Friday, January 2, 2009

Finally, I got some inspiration to make some cards!  I downloaded a few sketches from SCS to jump start the year.  I am feeling better and am nearing the end of my first trimester.  I have a bit more energy and am not feeling as sick.  Jesse's back is feeling better and he is learning what he can and cannot do.  Everyday is a step in the right direction in his healing process.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

May your New Year be safe, happy and prosperous!
